31 December 2008

Wil Wheaton

OMG. Wesley used the "f" word.

Just kidding. I know, I know, he's Wil, not Wesley.

But still, it's kinda like finding out that the kid who plays Harry Potter was naked on stage for some play about horses.

dude! the future of sewing

Wow. I'd have to take out a small loan to get one of these... but... wow.

04 December 2008

Ain't Got a Job Yet Blues

I went to yet another temp agency today, because I had applied for a job online (that was posted by their company)... and had to endure their computerized testing (and even a paper one!).

Now at home, prepping veggies for stew, I have got some serious "got no job" blues.

So I popped in a CD, "About Damn Time" by Andrew Heinrich (aka Mateo) to pick up my spirits.

Because nothing beats having a song written about you. And in it, you totally KICK ASS.

I'm just sayin'.

18 November 2008

Why oh why? Woe is me

Ya know, if there were two things I could change about myself (stuff that I have no control over), it would be:
a) my slopey shoulders*, and
b) that I'm such a freakin' CLUTZ. Oy.

Yep, I did it again. This time is really great. I went into the ladies' room after class. Upon exiting the stall, I placed my purse on the edge of the nearest sink (not the floor, 'cuz there's yucky germs all over bathroom floors!). It was rather precarious there, but I figured it would only take a few seconds to pull on my hoodie and my jacket - it should be fine, right?.

No such luck. My purse teetered forwards, which activated the automatic faucet. Aaaaaacccckkkk - lots and lots of water in my purse! I turned it upside down and the water literally drained out in a stream.

My phone is OK, as are most of the contents (some receipts are a bit soggy) - although my Hello Kitty pen case took a hit, but it's fabric so that's OK.

Why, oh why? Le sigh.

* I got my slopey shoulders from my mom's genes - I can't keep purse or bra straps on my shoulders to save my life.

Sniff sniff

As I left MATC tonight and I got my first sniff of the evening air, I expected ... oh, milorganite, cigarette smoke ... but - anise?

Yeah. Wierd. And it continued all the way to my car in the parking lot.

17 November 2008

Is it just me?

I think Yahoo has decided it doesn't like me... or, at least, my 'personal' (grnjenny) account. My 'professional' account is working just fine.

I keep getting the "sorry for the inconvenience" message when I try to 'archive' a message into a folder.

Yahoo has been quite quirky lately. It doesn't appear to be my connection - just the one account.


Personal branding

I think this came up on a search for "personal branding,"

I almost skipped it... glad I read it - it's a hoot!

Link of Interest

Nice blog.

Awesome topic, great article (absolutely hilarious).
It's funny because it's true!

Link of Interest

Wow, this is a great blog.

Funny! Insightful.

Good tips for fundraisers, folks working at nonprofits.

Link of Interest

This is a nice marketing blog, and I particularly liked the article/post "3 questions before plunging into new media."

12 November 2008

Following blogs

Whee! I've got TWO followers!! (thanks, Mikey and Miss Doom)

I don't think that the function for Following is very user-friendly, btw. But maybe I just need time to get used to how Blogger works.

Or maybe I'm not patient enough. Naaaaah!

Using LinkedIn

So I've been digging around in LinkedIn... doing my best to update my info, etc.

Seems to me that many folks use LinkedIn just for job searching... since I'm one of them, I can hardly complain.

However, it would be nice to see someone post a genuine question once in a while.

Anyways, this article is fairly generic but somewhat useful:

I haven't had a chance to check out this one yet, but it was recommended from the comments section of the above link.

11 November 2008

In Rememberance / Honor of Those who Serve(d)

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

- John McCrae, 1915

10 November 2008

Day 1, Post 1

So here it is. My blog. In all its glory. Do try to contain yourself.

I've got accounts with LiveJournal (which I love), Facebook (which I hardly use), Google, and Yahoo (two, actually: one for personal, one for professional) - but that wasn't enough, apparently.

I've been thinking about doing a blog for a while, but I never seem to be able to find the time to even start it. Enter school project! I'm in a Business Communications class, and we're supposed to work up a project involving (duh) communications. Hooray! An excuse to blog!

Hey, maybe my next class will induce me to make a website? Quelle idée! That really would be something, considering that I've got pictures on my cell phone that are three or four years old, simply because I haven't been able to figure out how to upload them to the internet... Uff da.

OK, so, back to studying... more later. Probably about my job-searching efforts. And links to cool websites.