12 November 2008

Following blogs

Whee! I've got TWO followers!! (thanks, Mikey and Miss Doom)

I don't think that the function for Following is very user-friendly, btw. But maybe I just need time to get used to how Blogger works.

Or maybe I'm not patient enough. Naaaaah!


  1. The following function works best, IMO, if you also use Google Reader, because then the feed automatically shows up there, too.

    Of course, the thing with a "public" blog is that people don't have to "follow" you to...well, follow you. There are other ways to have your blog fed to their RSS readers, for example, or they could just bookmark it. Those won't show up as "followers" in Blogger's settings.

  2. Hmm, to clarify - what I was mumbling about was that I don't think it's simple enuf to "follow" someone else's blog. Meaning, I want to "follow" G's blog... (a) the tool for adding someone's blog is not very user-friendly, and (b) why don't I see the blogs that *I* am following on my dashboard, too?
